Our Scoutmaster Council (SMC)
Scoutmaster - Tammie - 2022-Present
Mrs. Tammie comes to us from Pack 321 as the Pack Trainer and Troop 321B as ASM & Troop Admin. Her history with BSA started in 1989 when two of her boys join Cub Scouts in Washington St. All three of her sons joined dad Mark as Eagle Scouts in the Heart of America Council Kansas/Missouri making one proud Mom!
-Ordeal Member, Order of the Arrow, Lodge 104.
-Biggest Scouting moment is hiking Philmont with her sons and husband.
-Current Scouting Project: Getting our unit up and running, gearing our troop trailer and making sure all are enjoying scouting to its fullest.
-Training: Wood Badge S7-421-21 eXtreme Eagle! SM/ASM, MBC, IOLS, WFA, First Aide/CPR/ADE, BALOO, Pack Trainer, DL, Committe Member, National Camp School.
Previous units - P307 & T307 Inland NW Council; T93 Heart of America Council, Honored Woman Tribe of Mic-O-Say, "Sheltering Tamarack", Tagamonit Lodge.
ASM - Mr. Jason
ASM - Mr. Tim
ASM - Mrs. Crystal
ASM - Ms. Katie
The Scoutmaster is the adult responsible for working directly with the Scouts providing direction, coaching, and support.
The Scoutmaster has three basic roles:
providing the the junior leaders with the tools and skills so they can run the troop
making sure the rules of the BSA and chartered partner are followed
being a good mentor and positive role model
An assistant Scoutmaster is an adult leader over the age of 18 who helps the Scoutmaster deliver the promise of Scouting. Each assistant Scoutmaster is assigned specific program duties. They can serve the troop by guiding a particular patrol to which they’ve been assigned, advising certain Scouts who’ve assumed a position e.g. the quartermaster or OA representative, or fill in as necessary to assure the junior leaders have what they need to run things.
ASM - OA Member
See ASM for main responsibilities. This ASM also assists with the OA Troop Representative.