
Rank Advancment is a website maintained by Scouters for Scouters and Scouts alike. It is a fantastic source while working on Rank Advancement. Worksheets outlining CURRENT up to date requirements. If you are working on an older version based on when you joined (see Scoutbook) they also have those available. 

Merit Badges is also a fantastic website for worksheets to use while working on Merit Badges. This link will help you with the MB process. Along the left side are all of the MBs starting with Eagle Required. 

Merit Badge Pamphlets are available in many forms: Scout Shop $4.99ea or Amazon $7.99ea. Libraries also have older versions. Most are helpful tools while working on your badge. Be sure to confirm with your Merit Badge Counselor you are using the same MBP.

There are downloaded versions available online by troops scanning them into their websites. These are unauthorized versions.